Sunday, October 3, 2010


I’ll write about Baduy tribe who still live traditionally far from modernization.
Baduy tribe living in the hinterland of West Java, including Cikeusik Baduy Region, Cibeo, and Cikartawarna. Baduy own name was taken from a river that passes through the region

Pakaian Suku Baduy

Cibaduy river.
In this village lived a tribe of Foreign Baduy been blended with many other Sundanese communities.
Baduy outside or they usually call it Urang Panamping. Character, always dressed in black.

Rumah Adat Suku Baduy

Their house was founded on rock (this is their belief so strong that the house should stand on the rock).
In general people are familiar with the culture outside Baduy outside (outside of his culture Baduy themselves) such as school so it can read and write, can speak Indonesian.

Gula Aren Ciri Khas Suku Baduy

Their livelihood is farming.
Palm sugar and rice are crops from them. There are many areas there are palm trees. Rice is usually stored in their barns are available in every village. Rice is usually stored in their barns are available in every village. the They also make crafts such as bags Koja an article is made of woven leather in the wood.

While the tribes living in the interior Baduy In the woods and still isolated and not go outside the culture. Their culture is still

Anak2 Suku Baduy

original, and very difficult to other people who want to enter let alone live with the tribe Baduy In. Also could not careless people into the Bedouin tribes in the region. Because to reach the region should be required Badui signpost and permission from indigenous leaders and must comply with a very heavy like the bans had a camera.

Badui famous person firm in its tradition. They are always dressed in white with cloth headband and machetes. All equipment is their own making by hand. Their clothes were not collared and buttoned, they are not grounded foot. The They go anywhere just to walk barefoot and never carry money.

Their belief is the Sunda Wiwitan, they do not know the school, they know the letter is alphabet Hanacara and Sundanese language.
They did not use equipment or facilities from the outside. So they can imagine living without electricity, money, and they do not know the schoolboy. One example of the means that they make without the assistance of external equipment is a bamboo bridge. The bridge was built without using nails, to bind the bamboo sticks they use palm fiber, and to support the bridge foundation used the big trees that grow on the riverbank.

jembatan bambu teknologi suku baduy

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